Director & Stage: Thomas Krupa
Stage & Costumes: Monika Gora
Music Lyhre:
Dramaturgy: Tim Kahn
Lighting: Jan Moritz-Bregenzer
Assistant director and evening stage manage: Izad Safaeiyan
Orest Ali Aykar Elektra Zelal Kapçık Iphigenie Dascha Ivanova Kassandra Amina Eisner Klytaimestra Anne-Elise Minetti Agamemnon Ben Janssen Aigisth Davíd Gaviria Chor Roman Kurtz Guardian Nils Eric Müller, Pascal Thomas Live music Lyhre Choir of the Dead Ali Aykar, Amina Eisner, Davíd Gaviria, Dascha Ivanova, Ben Janssen, Zelal Kapçık, Roman Kurtz, Anne-Elise Minetti, Nils Eric Müller, Pascal Thomas
Play by Aeschylus
Rewriting and scenic adaptation by Walter Jens
PREMIERE 26.10.2024 – GREAT HOUSE / Stadttheater Gießen
„We should have no illusions about the power of dialog and persuasion. In some situations, only force can change the course of events.“ Geoffroy de Lagasnerie
The Trojan War is over after ten years, but the violence continues. The returned Agamemnon, who once sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia for the war, is now murdered by her mother Clytemnestra, who wants to avenge her. She is then killed by her son Orest in revenge. He is strongly encouraged to take action by his sister Elektra and the Greek gods. Orest finally flees, haunted by delusions. A showdown ensues when the goddess Athena intervenes. What should the future look like after war, murder and a road paved with corpses? Will the killing go on and on?
The tragedy trilogy by Greek playwright Aeschylus tells of the curse of the Atrides family and the inevitable cycle of violence – of pain, shame and guilt. And of a new generation that lives in the ruins of such certainties, but no longer accepts violence as a foundation for the future.
Duration: 2 hours and 50 minutes including an intermission